Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of August 9, 2017

Article Excerpt

Here’s the text of the most-recent letter I sent to our Portfolio Management clients in late July: “Often, one or more big or key idea(s) provide the stock market with its main direction. Many investors instinctively try to spot these big ideas. Most instead get sidetracked by ideas that are eye-catching but transitory. Rather than give you a clue to the market’s direction, these transitory ideas may distract you from what’s really going on. That happens a lot in markets that are in a long rising trend, such as the 1990s. In fact, when markets rise for a long time, some investors lose the habit of trying to spot the big ideas that are driving the rise. Instead they switch to searching for what you might call “The One Big Signal” that tells you it’s time to sell. You’re especially likely to fall into this trap if you’ve stayed…