Topic: How To Invest

Q: Pat: My portfolio is 90% Canadian equities (all dividend payers, mainly finance and utilities). At my age (67) all advice seems to say I should be at least 70% in fixed income. I have been considering the following ETFs and would appreciate your take on them: the iShares 1-5 Yr Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF; and the BMO Discount Bond Index ETF.

Article Excerpt

A: The iShares 1-5 Yr Laddered Corporate Bond Index ETF, $18.98, symbol CBO on Toronto (Units outstanding: 106.9 million; Market cap: $2.0 billion;, invests in a portfolio of short-term and medium-term corporate bonds. They’re drawn from the FTSE (Financial Times Stock Exchange) TMX Canada 1-5 Year Laddered Corporate Bond Index. The ETF first sold units to the public at $20 each, and began trading February 25, 2009, on Toronto. Its MER is 0.28%, and it currently yields 2.9%. The fund’s 249 holdings are divided into five staggered, or “laddered,” maturities that range from one to five years. Each maturity is equally weighted. Each year, the two-year to five-year bonds are a year closer to maturity and one-year bonds reach maturity. The fund uses the proceeds of the matured bonds to “roll over” or buy new bonds that restore the desired one-to-five-year portfolio balance. The ETF’s portfolio is weighted 58.8% toward financials, followed by infrastructure (13.3%), energy (8.3%); industrials (7.4%), real estate (7.2%)…