FREE Report: 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February—get FREE advice about best stocks to buy right now!

Discover how to make some big money in the long term from five specific stock recommendations—these stocks are poised to go much higher, even in this market.

Dear Investor,

If you want to make more money from the stock market, you’ve come to the right place! Because with this FREE report, 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February, you get five specific stock picks for ensuring long-term gains—the best stocks to buy this month.

The fundamentals of investing are just the same for newcomers as they are for established, successful investors. The challenge for everybody is to stick to what works and not let investment fads, the media limelight, or bad advice from a broker or advisor steer you off course.

The five picks for this month that we outline in this report are derived from my four decades of investment experience. All five stocks are favourite recommendations from our premium newsletters, including The Successful Investor, Wall Street Stock Forecaster and Power Growth Investor. We hope you enjoy and profit from this advice!

Please use this FREE report 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February to grow your stock profits and make more money, especially for the long term—with the best stocks to buy this month. Whether you’re new to investing or an experienced investor, you’re sure to find value in these stock recommendations.

Stock Pick #1 for February 2025

You can’t go wrong with a stock paying you a very high and sustainable 5.1% yield. The company’s focus on building out its operations—to satisfy ever-rising demand—only supports that impressive quarterly dividend.

An acquisition in early 2024 is a key part of the company’s groundwork for growth. The deal give it stakes in two joint ventures from another major pipeline player. It also lets the company better tap U.S. demand.

This latest purchase will help the company continue to lift its dividend—it recently raised its quarterly payment by 3.6%.

In this section of 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February, you’ll learn the identity of this company, including its trading symbol and our TSI Network Risk Rating.

Stock Pick #2 for February 2025

This company does business in the sports-betting arena, a growing area of consumer interest. The company is making all the right moves to remain the dominant player in this rapidly expanding market even as upstarts vie for market share. Meanwhile, it holds $815.9 million in cash to devote to building on its sizable market lead.

Discover the identity of this company’s stock—when you read this FREE report 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February.


Stock Pick #3 for February 2025

This stock pick is for a venerable company that is well into a multi-year transformation. The company is scaling up its cloud operations to better serve its customers and is expanding into artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity.

A key part of its strategy for growth was the 2021 spinoff of one division, so the remaining operations can better focus on high-growth business opportunities. The company’s stock is trading near its all-time high, even amid market volatility, especially for tech stocks. We think its share price is poised to move higher, even as the company maintains or raises its dividend. That quarterly payment already offers you a solid 3.4% yield.

Get all of the details about this stock pick in 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February.

Stock Pick #4 for February 2025

This company sells home furnishings and appliances through a coast-to-coast chain of stores in Canada.

Meanwhile, it’s planning some key moves to enhance shareholder value. It aims to eventually spin off its real estate holdings as a publicly traded real estate investment trust. At the same time, to further unlock the value of its real estate, it’s planning to convert industrial lands it owns to a residential development in Canada’s most important market.

Both those moves should further boost its dividend. Note—the company is already raising that payment, and the new rate yields a solid 2.7%.

You should know all about this stock recommendation, and you can get the details now in 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February.

Stock Pick #5 for February 2025

This company is in the digital entertainment sector and has a worldwide presence. A maker of well-known products, it’s on a path to become the global leader in this space … with a number of key acquisitions.

The company is also focused on new product offerings and expanding growth in the key mobile-devices segment. This stock is a buy recommendation for today’s aggressive investors.

Discover the identity of this valuable stock when you read 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February.

Don’t wait to act on all these stock recommendations—and download your FREE copy of 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February right now, and get the best stocks to buy this month!


Pat McKeough
Founder & Publisher
The Successful Investor

P.S. Act now to get this FREE report 5 Best Stocks to Buy in February—and start investing in stocks that will pay back big time in the long term, with the best stocks to buy this month!


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