Earnings are up 20.7% at Intact Financial

Earnings are up 20.7% at Intact Financial

Higher premiums from personal lines and commercial business also drove revenue 6.2% higher in the most recent quarter.

What’s more, a 10% dividend increase and sharply higher earnings signal a strong future ahead. The shares are up 20.7% this year and 119.1% over the last five… Read More

These dividend ETFs offer you regular income

Higher interest rates mean dividend-paying stocks must increasingly compete with fixed-income investments for investor interest. However, sustainable dividends still offer an attractive and growing income stream for investors.
Meanwhile, dividend-focused ETFs often follow strategies that can set investors up for maximum long-term gains with the least… Read More

Earnings just rose 4.4% at Intact Financial

Earnings just rose 4.4% at Intact Financial

For 2023, we have singled-out growth stocks we think offer exceptional prospects in the year ahead. Intact Financial is a market leader in its sector.

What’s more, a recent general and specialty insurance acquisition has expanded the company’s reach into the U.K.

Meanwhile the stock trades at… Read More

…and include these three sectors as well

Here’s the second part of our discussion on ETFs representing each of the five main economic sectors. Here we cover ETFs in Resources, Manufacturing and Financials.
ISHARES MSCI GLOBAL METALS & MINING PRODUCERS ETF $42.96 (CBOE symbol PICK; TSINetwork ETF Rating: Aggressive; Market cap: $1.6 billion) provides investors… Read More

Intact Financial still has room to move higher

When choosing stocks for the Finance sector of their portfolio, most investors gravitate toward banks. However, there are many high quality, non-bank financial stocks that you should also consider. For instance, we think Intact Financial offers investors a particularly unique combination of value and growth.

For… Read More

Massive revenue boost and high demand make Intact Financial Corp. a buy

Massive revenue boost and high demand make Intact Financial Corp. a buy

Improved sales from a recent acquisition fuelled a 41.3% revenue increase for this company during the most-recent quarter.

High demand for insurance also means the company can write more profitable policies despite recent higher catastrophe-related losses.

The stock trades at 16.4 times the company’s 2022 earnings forecast.

True Blue Chips pay off

Learn everything you need to know in 'The Best Blue Chips for Canadian Investors' for FREE from The Successful Investor.

Canadian Blue Chip Stocks: Bank of Nova Scotia Stock, CP Rail Stock, CAE Inc. Stock and more.

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