July 31, 2019, Client Letter

In recent years, I’ve mentioned that the world is going through a gigantic monetary experiment. At first, I was referring to the “quantitative easing” that the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks began in 2008/2009, to offset the financial crisis. But the more I.. Read More

Q: Hello, Pat. What is your opinion on holding a Canadian-focused small-/mid-cap fund such as the Fidelity Special Situations Fund. Do you think it’s a good idea to hold more aggressive Canadian small and mid-cap stocks?

A: We generally feel that most investors should hold the bulk of their investment portfolios in conservative securities from well-established companies. This means holding a total of 15 to 25 well-established, dividend-paying stocks, chosen mainly from our “Average” or higher ratings, and spreading your holdings… Read More