Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of March 7, 2017

Article Excerpt

Dear Inner Circle member, Investors often try to improve their investment returns by delving into high-risk and/or high-fee investment areas such as specialized investment products, options, penny stocks and so on. Far better to start off by putting yourself in a position to profit from human nature, rather than suffering because of it, as you often do in high-risk investing. Here are three rules to follow: Stay alert for conflicts of interest. We’ve often pointed out that hidden conflicts of interest are the single greatest risk you face as an investor. That’s because they’re everywhere, since they are a natural outgrowth of human nature. But don’t let human nature sour your view of investing. You just need to be aware of it. After all, many companies strive to settle conflicts in favour of their customers and clients. This works out better for these companies in the long run, because it fosters corporate growth. Take advantage of spinoffs, which you may get when a company’s managers…