Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of October 21, 2014

Article Excerpt

Here’s the text of the quarterly letter I recently sent to our Portfolio Management clients: “One of the most dependable rules of North American investing, and one I’ve often written about, is the “four-year rule”. It says that U.S. Presidents tend to get a lot friendlier toward business and investors in the second half of each four-year U.S. Presidential term. Stocks usually (but not always) rise in response. The switch to investor-friendliness often occurs within a few weeks of the mid-term Congressional election. The next one of these takes place on Tuesday, November 4 this year. That’s when the current president will generally start to focus on the next Presidential election, which comes two years later. Presidents naturally want to win election for themselves, or their preferred successor. They also want to bolster the prospects of their political party. To do that, they have to win favour with voters. It’s…