Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of September 19, 2017

Article Excerpt

Dear Inner Circle member, Donald Trump, the most widely reviled U.S. president in 80 years or more, seems to have made at least one smart move last week. He reached agreement of sorts with the top Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. This could speed passage of legislation on immigration, a tax overhaul (if not a full-blown reform), and spending, including outlays for crumbling U.S. roads, bridges and other infrastructure. Trump’s pact with the Democrats could neutralize opponents in his own party, and may make them more cooperative. After all, they killed reforms that Trump wanted, by holding out for more extreme measures. Trump’s collaboration with the Democrats will lead to changes that are less extreme than those they rejected. Trump opponents in both parties like to think that collaborating with Democrats could shatter Trump’s support base. However, Trump supporters have been listening to endless vilification of their man all year. They’ve put up with an endless stream of jokes…