Science & Tech Funds Entail Extra Risk

Article Excerpt

Many tech stocks have moved up lately, and the Nasdaq composite index is now at 2,859, its highest level since early 2001. Consumer spending for computers and electronics in the United States remains steady despite overall lower consumer confidence, due in part to higher gasoline prices and volatile housing markets. Spending by corporations for information technology products and services continues to rise steadily, along with the U.S. economy. The recent launch of Microsoft’s Window’s Vista operating system will likely prompt many businesses and consumers to upgrade to new computers and software designed to run on the new platform. Still, it would be a risky mistake to let tech stocks dominate your portfolio. Although their outlook is bright, they remain highly volatile. If you want to invest in tech funds, limit your investment to modest quantities. And these funds should only make up a portion of the manufacturing sector holdings in your portfolio. Above all, invest only in funds, like these two, that focus on…