Find out how the best U.S. stocks can change your portfolio, and your life

U.S. stocks consistently give Canadian investors greater safety—and higher profits.

If you have had any hesitation about buying U.S. stocks, wait no longer.

Now is the time to act.

In today’s changing markets and unsettled economic conditions, diversification can be your greatest ally.

We firmly believe Canadian investors should always own U.S. stocks. From 20% to 30% of your stock portfolio should be in U.S. equities.

Read on and you’ll see why a selection of the best U.S. stocks can make an enormous difference in your financial future.

More Canadian investors are discovering the value of U.S. stocks

This is the right time to discover the tremendous value you get with U.S. stocks. For years many Canadian investors overestimated the costs and underestimated the benefits of the U.S. market and stayed away. That is changing: more and more Canadians are discovering the profits and security to be won when you diversify into U.S. stocks.*

This can be a life-changing experience for you. By life-changing, I mean a substantial boost in the profitability of your portfolio.

Keep in mind that the Toronto stock exchange is much more closely tied to natural resources than the U.S. stock market is to any particular sector.  When commodity prices are down, other sectors in the Canadian economy can be knocked down with them.

That’s why diversification is so important. You can tap into U.S. stocks that earn a large portion of their revenues in countries around the world. You get the full value and diversity of international markets without the risk of dabbling in foreign stock markets.

Three good reasons to invest in the best U.S. stocks

  1. The Toronto stock exchange is closely tied to natural resources. When they’re down, other stocks get knocked down with them. No such worries on the big, diversified U.S. market.
  2. You can tap into U.S. stocks that earn a large part of their revenues in countries around the world. Your portfolio is safer and stronger with these stocks working for you.
  3. You profit from stocks that are very different than anything you could find on the TSX (such as pharmaceutical leader Pfizer). Most of all, you profit from Pat McKeough’s ability to apply his systematic search for value to U.S. stocks and find the best ones for Canadian investors.

How we help you profit with the ‘four-year rule’

U.S. Presidents tend to get a lot friendlier toward business and investors in the second half of each four-year U.S. Presidential term. The effects are clearly seen in the third year of a president’s term, Almost without fail, stocks rise in response.

The same phenomenon recurs in the last year of a presidential term, as the incumbent seeks a second term, or if a two-term president tries to smooth the path to the White House for the party’s next candidate.

When these opportunities arise, Wall Street Stock Forecaster alerts investors to the stocks that are about to benefit most from political favours.

Four easy answers to the four biggest questions about investing in U.S. stocks

Investing in U.S. stocks is much easier than you may think. We get questions from investors convinced that it’s more complicated to invest in American stocks than in Canadian ones.

They usually raise four objections. When you know the facts, all are myths:

  1. “I can’t just go online (or call my broker) and invest in a U.S. stock.” Yes you can. The only difference is that your Canadian dollars will be converted to U.S. dollars. But the trade itself is just as simple as if you were buying BCE or Royal Bank of Canada.
  2. “I’ll get killed on taxes.” In fact, you could avoid taxes. Canadian shareholders pay a 15% withholding tax on dividends from U.S. stocks. But in most cases you can get a Canadian income tax credit to offset it. And if you hold U.S. stocks in your RRSP, the withholding tax doesn’t apply. There are other tax implications (just as there are with Canadian stocks), but nothing to keep you out of profitable U.S. stocks.
  3. “I’ll lose too much getting started with the high U.S. dollar.” The U.S. dollar has been trading at around $1.35 Canadian, but it traded as high as $1.45 in 2020.  My best guess is that the U.S. dollar may gain a few more cents on the Canadian dollar in the next six months or so. Meanwhile, Canadian investors who follow our advice in Wall Street Stock Forecaster and invest in U.S. stocks have profited from a rising U.S. market and soaring U.S. dollar.
  4. “The best U.S. stocks are just too expensive.” Leaving aside the fact that there are excellent lower-priced U.S. stocks, you can still buy higher-priced U.S. stocks like Nvidia ($946) or Cintas ($691) or even Microsoft shares ($422) without breaking your investment budget. You aren’t obliged to buy board lots of 100 shares. You can start with, say, 10 shares.  If the shares of stocks like these continue their strong performance you’ll have more than enough to buy more shares of these and other profitable U.S. stocks. 

In short, making money in U.S. stocks is easier than you may think. And too profitable to ignore.

Wall Street Stock Forecaster makes it much easier for you by directing you to the best U.S. stocks—we recommend stocks in three portfolios: Conservative Growth, Aggressive Growth and Income-Seeking.

When you subscribe to this special advisory on U.S. investing, here is what you get:

  • Specific advice and updated reports on up to 20 stocks we feel have the greatest potential for growth, all accompanied by our clear buy-hold recommendations in every issue of Wall Street Stock Forecaster. And when it’s time to sell, we’ll tell you that, too.
  • You’ll know when to buy, hold or sell the stocks in our three U.S. portfolios—Conservative Growth, Aggressive Growth and Income Seeking Investors. A hold means we have recommended the stock as a buy in the past and may again in the future. But when we believe it’s time to sell, we’ll tell you that, too.
  • Knowing which stocks are making important moves in your weekly Email Hotline from Wall Street Stock Forecaster.
  • Unlimited browsing in a large online library of valuable stock information and advice with the past 10 years of back issues of Wall Street Stock Forecaster —at no extra cost.

And you have your pick of not one, but 3 Stocks of the Year

When we unveiled our “2024 U.S. Stock of the Year” subscribers to Wall Street Stock Forecaster discovered a stock for every type of investing—with three top picks.

Our top Conservative buy, is an iconic American firm that has gained over 38% in the past five years, mainly due to its innovative and successful business strategy, which includes expanding its online ordering and delivery services, loyalty programs, and making new investments in technology.

Our #1 Aggressive buy is a multinational technology conglomerate that sees the bulk of its revenue supply come from online advertising. This is the sixth year in a row we’ve made it our top Aggressive stock of the year, as its long-term outlook continues to remain bright for 2024 and beyond.

Our #1 Income buy is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation with top-selling brands under its wing. And it’s using the huge profits it earned on those products to buy other drugmakers with promising products, including a global biotech firm specializing in new cancer care technologies.

Receive 5 FREE Reports with our Special Offer!

Receive one full year (12 issues) of Wall Street Stock Forecaster with our no-risk offer. When you subscribe, you also receive 5 Special Reports for FREE— a total value of $175.00!

Here are the special reports written exclusively for subscribers to Wall Street Stock Forecaster:

FREE BONUS #1: Following the New Rules (A $35 value…yours FREE!)

With this Exclusive Special Report you will learn my nine Revised Rules of Investing. These nine rules will let you the judge investment quality of any stock, so you can find the highest-quality stocks out there. Plus, I share 3 stocks that I think look exceptional after applying our nine Rules!

FREE BONUS #2: 3 Megatrend Stock Picks: Undiscovered Gems that Could Make You a Fortune (A $35 value…yours FREE!)

In this exclusive Special Report, I’ll show you how you can find “value” companies—at bargain prices—that are set to rise. Plus I’ll give you the complete stories on 3 undiscovered stocks that could bring you explosive gains.

FREE BONUS #3: 3 Little-known Alternative Energy Companies That Could Double or Triple in 2024 (A $35 value…yours FREE!)

As the energy industry evolves through wrenching changes in supply and demand, alternative energy is gaining momentum from rich government subsidies. Some are in a position to soar. Learn which stocks need your attention now…and which aren’t strong enough.

FREE BONUS #4: Suppliers of 21st Century Tools—4 Companies with Licenses to Print Money (A $35 value…yours FREE!)

These are companies that have developed products designed to provide businesses with tools to become more productive and profitable. In this report I name 4 companies taking their respective industries by storm—and they’re in store for enormous gains.

FREE BONUS #5: America’s 7 R&D Supernovas (A $35 value…yours FREE!)

I’ve flagged these 7 companies for their explosive profit potential in the next 2 years. Each of them has a substantial R&D budget and revolutionary products they are poised to introduce. Get these stocks now before they start to soar.

Along with everything you get from us, you have the protection of my money-back guarantee.

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If you ever feel that Wall Street Stock Forecaster is no longer for you, you may cancel anytime and we will return 100% of your money on unserved issues whenever you ask. Everything you’ve received from us is yours to keep. You have no risk.

So, if you want to zero in on the top U.S. stocks in today’s uncertain market, then you’ll want to take advantage of my proven investing approach. You’ll find these winning stock picks in each and every issue of Wall Street Stock Forecaster.

So don’t delay. Subscribe now.

Yours for safe and profitable investing,

Patrick McKeough - Signature
Pat McKeough
Editor and Publisher
Wall Street Stock Forecaster