Our Takeover Target Rating (TTR)

Article Excerpt

Our Takeover Target Rating considers a range of factors to determine the chances of a spinoff company attracting takeover interest in the short to medium term: We look for a profitable spinoff with low debt and with hidden assets. As well, spinoffs with no major shareholder and facing little regulatory or anti-trust contraints have strong appeal. Does the spinoff have an affordable market value, meaning it’s a manageble purchase for a major industry competitor? Spinoffs with top-quality, but underperforming assets also attract takeover interest. This includes profit margins that are lower than industry norms. That lets a buyer cut costs and improve profits. Potential buyers will often look past a spinoff’s poor management or its lack of financial resources. Spinoffs with most of these factors receive our Highest Takeover Target Rating. Those with many receive a Medium rating, while those with few, Lowest. Lowest…