Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of May 21, 2013?

Article Excerpt

Here are three rules that can help make you a successful investor. 1. Always try to apply your judgment, but don’t overrate it. If you have been successfully investing for a number of years, your judgment has value, and you should listen to it. If you spot a stock that seems to have great prospects, go ahead and buy it. Don’t wait for your broker or the cable news commentators to begin talking about it. But don’t go overboard. Something I’ve learned over the years is that no matter how sure I am that a stock is a winner, I can still be dead wrong. There are no sure things in the stock market. That’s why I always advise you to keep any one stock you buy within reasonable bounds (5% or less of your portfolio, say.) 2. Always ask yourself, “What can go wrong with this investment?” What upcoming event/technology/political trend/competitive threat could derail its profitability? In other words, don’t fall…