Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of June 20, 2023

Article Excerpt

I’ve been advising Canadian investors to include U.S. stocks in their portfolios for more than 30 years. I continue to recommend them today. The U.S. stock market offers the widest variety and highest investment grade of companies to invest in of any country in the world. It also offers a wider selection of growth opportunities for those companies to pursue, in North America and around the world. For our portfolio management clients, our general preference is to invest one quarter to one third of their holdings in U.S. stocks and the remainder        in Canadian stocks. Many major financial institutions recommend investing in North America. Some also recommend investing outside North America, especially in developing nations. They say that countries outside North America also offer great opportunities, and they may be right in some cases. They note that foreign investing offers an additional chance for diversification. This may be true, but we see it as irrelevant. Our view is that North America…