Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of February 9, 2016

Article Excerpt

In the early 1970s, word began circulating in Toronto about a local character who had begun appearing in the Toronto subway system, belting out Elvis Presley songs without any instrumental accompaniment. Early on, somebody christened him “Subway Elvis,” and the name stuck. It was several years before I learned his real name, Mike McTaggart. By then, he had graduated to paid engagements in Toronto bars and clubs. Subway Elvis developed a following, but nobody expected him to equal the experience you’d get from a performance by the real Elvis. Some performers can fill a local tavern, and others can fill a sports stadium. The fans know the difference. Elvis-level success is a unique phenomenon. Of course, that’s true of any significant achievement. Your identical twin could not duplicate your success, even with a lifetime of trying. The raw material needed for achievement goes far beyond genetics. It also demands determination, the right mindset, and a great deal of favourable circumstances—being…