Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of April 16, 2024

Article Excerpt

When I hear from investors, they often ask what we do to produce the investment advice they get from our publications, and the portfolio management they get from Successful Investment Wealth Management Inc., our portfolio management affiliate. The short answer is that my research associates and I read a lot. I personally read a large variety of publications and other reading materials, and take a skeptical view of all of it. I also try to spot prejudice. Some is right-wing, some left-wing, and some is “woke” (that is, left wing thinking carried to an absurd extreme). My reading covers many topics, in finance, politics, economics and government. Some is smart and some is dumbin my opinion, of course. I subscribe to a lot of periodical publications—more than I can possibly read. That includes The Economist, a U.K. publication with a liberal bent. This publication recently said, “Americans are becoming a dyspeptic bunch, anxious about the future and uneasy about foundational institutions, from the…