Currency Hedging Comes At a Cost With ETFs

Currency Hedging Comes At a Cost With ETFs

Any currency volatility can send investors hunting for hedged ETFs. But the extra costs limit the appeal of currency hedging as a strategy.
If you want to buy U.S. stocks and hedge against the U.S. dollar’s movements against the Canadian dollar, you could buy a hedged… Read More

We see a positive outlook for uranium

Demand for uranium is forecast to increase 30% by 2030 and to more than double by 2040. The ramp-up in nuclear power capacity to meet the growing electricity demand from AI datacentres and to lower greenhouse gas emissions should drive those gains.
However, the capacity to… Read More

Here’s a low-cost ETF for exposure to U.S. companies

VANGUARD TOTAL STOCK MARKET ETF $112.67 (Toronto symbol VUN; TSINetwork ETF Rating: Aggressive; Market cap: $9.65 billion) invests in U.S. publicly listed companies. That broader mandate gives this fund a wider reach than the typical U.S. large-cap ETF focused on the top 500 companies.
This Vanguard ETF tracks… Read More

Spinoffs & Takeovers Hotline – Friday, November 1, 2024

FASTENAL COMPANY, $78.23, symbol FAST on Nasdaq, is a leading wholesale distributor of industrial and construction supplies. It draws almost all its clients from the construction and manufacturing industries.

Those construction customers include general, electrical, plumbing, sheet-metal, and road contractors. In manufacturing, Fastenal sells to original-equipment… Read More

Here are updates on two of your buys

Long-time readers know that we aim to keep you informed of important news about the stocks we cover. That means highlighting developments and plans that promise to bolster investor gains. Here are two buys that stand out this month:
ELECTRONIC ARTS, $145.04, is a buy. The company… Read More