Our Latest Multi-bagger

Article Excerpt

Hexagon AB’s $50 U.S. bid for NovAtel gives us a gain of 2986.4% since we first recommended the stock in June, 2001. It’s what successful investors might call a ’28-bagger’. That beats our other recent successes such as Aur Resources (a 12-bagger) and Home Capital (a 10-bagger). However, it doesn’t quite measure up to Janna Systems, a software stock we recommended in November, 1998. In January 2001, we advised selling Janna for a 4,111.0% gain. Readers often ask how we come up with winners like these, while generally avoiding the total wipe-outs that plague most aggressive- stock advisors. The key is our conservative approach to analyzing aggressive stocks. We model it on the way we select conservative stocks in our flagship advisory service, The Successful Investor (Canadian stocks), and in our Wall Street Stock Forecaster (U.S. stocks). In both cases, we aim to locate hidden value — value that attracts far less investor attention than it deserves. That gives buyers a bargain. It may…