Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of January 17, 2017

Article Excerpt

Dear Inner Circle member, Prior to the U.S. Presidential Election in November last year, an investor sent me a copy of a research study that compared the performance of the stock market under U.S. presidents since World War Two, starting with Democrat Harry Truman (President from 1949 through 1953, 69.3% total return in his 4-year term). The study aimed to see if the market performs better under a Republican or Democratic President. Soon after, I came across a similar study that went back to Republican Herbert Hoover (President 1929 through 1933; 77.09% total loss in his 4-year term). The average total return during terms under a Republican president was 16.61% (1.71% yearly); under a Democratic president, the average gain was 57.44% for each 4-year term (10.83% yearly). On the face of it, Democrats can claim bragging rights. Republicans respond that they are the party of fiscal and other kinds of responsibility, and they get stuck cleaning up messes left behind by their Democratic predecessors. However,…