Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of January 3, 2018

Article Excerpt

Dear Inner Circle Member, Many people begin an investing career with a single purchase—one stock, say, or a mutual fund. They may harbor a mistaken or exaggerated idea of the gains this investment will bring. They’ll follow up with more investments, and results will vary widely. Their biggest gains may come from stocks that seemed least likely to deliver a profit. Their favourite buys may yield weak profits if not losses. You need this kind of practical experience to drive home the fact that nobody guesses right every time about investment decisions. That’s when most investors get interested in building a portfolio made up of a variety of investments. Of course, it takes a few tries at portfolio-building to reach a skill that does you some good. Many first portfolios consist of choices from a single theme or area of investment interest. One young investor I spoke to over the holidays had acquired a cryptocurrency portfolio. His biggest holding was in bitcoin, the…