Topic: How To Invest

What is Pat’s commentary for the week of September 26, 2017

Article Excerpt

Dear Inner Circle member, I must say I cringed a little when I read the text of President Trump’s first speech at the UN last week. It happened when he came right out and said he would destroy North Korea, if the U.S. has to defend itself or its allies against the current regime in that country. Of course, a simple statement of any of life’s hard truths can make just about anybody cringe. You’ll cringe if you learn you’re about to get fired, or that you or someone you love has a deadly disease, or that your house is in the path of a hurricane. It’s a reflex. It’s nature’s way of spurring you to face life’s unpleasant truths, rather than ignore them. I agree with Trump on Venezuela: “The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented.” Pretending otherwise may spur other would-be dictators to give it a try. I also agree when…