Q: Pat, I am thinking of employing the “RRSP meltdown strategy.” In my case, though, I’m thinking of using your newsletters to choose the stocks I purchase with borrowed funds (rather than losing fees to a broker/advisor). What are your thoughts regarding this approach to an RPSP meltdown?

A: There are times when you may want to withdraw money from an RRSP. This has spawned one strategy, the RRSP meltdown, that can bring you more risk than reward.

Here’s how the RRSP meltdown works:

When you take money out of your RRSP, you have to… Read More

I read your article on TSINetwork.com with interest. I was under the impression that an RRSP must be dismantled when you hit 70 and either you purchase an annuity or you take all your money out and it’s taxed. Are there any better alternatives? I’m 60 now, so I hope I have time enough to plan. Thanks.

When you turn 71, you have to roll over your RRSP into a RRIF. However, you don’t have to sell any of your securities at that point. Your RRSP is simply redesignated as a RRIF (you do need to fill out some paperwork to open… Read More