Two ways to profit from smartphone growth

Global demand for smartphones remains strong. New models continue to spur users in developed countries to upgrade, while improving economic conditions make those devices more affordable in developing regions.

Both Apple and Alphabet, the parent company of Google, will continue to benefit from that trend… Read More

Q: Dear Pat: Are you familiar with “Desktop Metal?” It’s a private company that Alphabet has apparently invested in. I know it is risky at the present time, but I wonder if you are monitoring this new enterprise for future consideration if it does go public.

A: Alphabet Inc., $942.90, (Nasdaq symbols GOOG [class C non-voting] and $961.81, GOOGL [class A voting], Shares outstanding: 640.7 million; Market cap: $658.8 billion,, has been one of our top tech buys of the past few years. In addition, it is our top Aggressive… Read More

Google improves ad services

ALPHABET INC. (Nasdaq symbols GOOG $831 [class C: non-voting] and GOOGL $850 [class A: one vote per share]; Aggressive Growth Portfolio, Manufacturing & Industry sector; Shares outstanding: 691.4 million; Market cap: $574.6 billion; Price-to-sales ratio: 6.4; No dividends paid; TSINetwork Rating: Above Average; is… Read More