Dividend vs. Index Investing, or Both?

Dividend vs. Index Investing, or Both?

What are the key differences between dividend and index investing?
Dividend investing focuses on stocks that pay regular cash distributions to shareholders, while index investing aims to replicate the performance of a broad market index by holding a diversified portfolio of securities.

One big advantage of index… Read More

How to Pick the Best Canadian Index Mutual Funds

How to Pick the Best Canadian Index Mutual Funds

Canadian index mutual funds were among the better financial innovations to come along in the past few decades. Still the popularity of ETFs may soon eclipse them
Canadian index mutual funds are specialized mutual funds that aim to equal the performance of a Canadian market index,… Read More

Q: Hello Patrick: Some companies were recently added or deleted from the S&P/TSX. Am I correct in thinking that it is a good time to buy stocks prior to them being added and a good time to sell prior to them being deleted, or is the effect too small to bother with? Thank you.

A: Typically, changes to the S&P/TSX indexes are announced by Standard & Poor’s and then implemented a couple of weeks later.

On September 6, 2024, it announced that on September 23, Bird Construction (symbol BDT) and Triple Flag Precious Metals (TFPM) would be added to the… Read More

5 top Canadian dividend stocks to invest in

5 top Canadian dividend stocks to invest in

Here are 5 Canadian dividend stocks we recommend holding in your portfolio despite economic uncertainty
One of the key points in our three-part investment advice is to invest mainly in well-established dividend-paying stocks. The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting inflation and challenging economy highlight the value… Read More