Canadian blue chips dominate these two Canadian ETFs

Canadian blue chips dominate these two Canadian ETFs

These two Canadian ETFs track Canada’s best-established indexes and provide low-fee exposure to widely traded blue chip stocks.
When you invest in ETFs, simpler is generally better. And each of these two Canadian ETFs provides a straightforward approach to investing in a selection of Canada’s top… Read More

5 top Canadian dividend stocks to invest in

5 top Canadian dividend stocks to invest in

Here are 5 Canadian dividend stocks we recommend holding in your portfolio despite economic uncertainty
One of the key points in our three-part investment advice is to invest mainly in well-established dividend-paying stocks. The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting inflation and challenging economy highlight the value… Read More

Blue chip ETFs focus on Canada

Blue chip ETFs focus on Canada

These two blue chip ETFs hold mostly large-capitalization, widely traded stocks on the Canadian exchange. Both funds mirror, or track, the performance of major stock market indexes as opposed to narrower ones focused on resources or themes, such as solar power or biotech.
Blue chip ETFs… Read More

The Hidden Drawbacks of Split-Share Corporations

The Hidden Drawbacks of Split-Share Corporations

Split-share corporations come with inherent drawbacks that can hand investors unexpected and unwelcomed costs sooner than they’d planned
Split-share corporations: they’re just one of the areas in which Pat McKeough’s Inner Circle can get our investment research. Members also get to ask investment questions of Pat… Read More