When to buy an ETF for maximum return

When to buy an ETF for maximum return

To determine when to buy ETFs, some investors use technical analysis and other tools. But you need to dig deeper.
Investors often wonder: what is a good entry point when purchasing a stock or an ETF?

The first question before asking when to buy an ETF, when… Read More

Q: Hello Pat: Could I have your opinion please on CGFX, a gold ETF containing the largest gold miners. It pays a distribution yielding around 9%. They do this by writing covered calls on the portfolio. Too good to be true? Thanks.

A: The CI First Asset Gold+ Giants Covered Call ETF, $9.59, symbol CGXF on Toronto (Units outstanding: 13.3 million; Market cap: $127.5 million; www.firstasset.com), holds an equal-weighted portfolio of the 15 largest gold and precious-metal companies as measured by market capitalization. Each is listed on… Read More

Q: Pat: Could I have your recommendation on Harvest Healthcare ETF (HHL): The ETF has a very high dividend. Is this ETF a good choice for income?

A: Harvest Healthcare Leaders Income ETF, $7.79, symbol HHL on Toronto, (Units outstanding: 156.0 million; Market cap: $1.2 billion; www.harvestportfolios.com), holds a portfolio of 20 large-cap global healthcare companies. The fund’s manager selected them based on their perceived potential to provide attractive monthly income and… Read More

Q: Pat: Could I have your recommendation on Harvest Healthcare ETF (HHL): Even with share prices down because of the market, this dividend of about 9% seems too good to be true. Is this ETF a good choice for income?

A: Harvest Healthcare Leaders Income ETF, $7.74, symbol HHL on Toronto, (Units outstanding: 131.6 million; Market cap: $1.0 billion; www.harvestportfolios.com), holds a portfolio of 20 large-cap global healthcare companies. The fund’s manager selected them based on their perceived potential to provide attractive monthly income and… Read More

Pass on this ETF

HORIZONS ENHANCED INCOME GOLD PRODUCERS ETF $26.82 (Toronto symbol HEP) invests in an equal-weighted portfolio of North American-listed gold mining companies. The portfolio currently holds 14 stocks with all the top producers such as Barrick Gold and Newmont Corp. represented.
The ETF yields a high 6.8%. However, the dividend income… Read More