Big purchase transforms Emera

Dear client:

With its Newfoundland projects, Emera plans to replace some of its older coal and gas-fired plants in Nova Scotia with low-cost, clean hydroelectric power.

The company’s recent purchase of U.S. power and gas distributor Teco should also pay off for years to come.

We generally take… Read More

Emera goes south for growth

From March, 2017 TSI Dividend Advisor Issue:

In the past few years, Emera has used acquisitions to cut its reliance on Atlantic Canada, its home region. Those new operations include U.S. power utility Teco, purchased in 2016.

Expanding by acquisition adds risk. However, the revenue stream from… Read More

Emera considers big new project

EMERA INC. $47 (Toronto symbol EMA; Income Portfolio, Utilities sector; Shares outstanding: 211.1 million; Market cap: $9.9 billion; Priceto-sales ratio: 2.3; Dividend yield: 4.4%; TSINetwork Rating: Average; owns 100% of Nova Scotia Power, that province’s main electricity supplier. It also owns utilities in the… Read More